You Know You Have a Montessori Child When

tot sitting and eating finger food from a cup
Sophie eating snack! Copyrighted: Lianne

You know you have a Montessori child when...I posted this question on my Montessori Facebook page, and I received a lot of responses! Here are a few of my favorites:

"My son was taking a REALLY long time in the children's library bathroom so I peeked in the door and he was wiping the sink and mirror dry with paper towels!" OK, that one was mine!

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And now for my top posts!

A Montessori Teacher's Thoughts on Waldorf Education

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Simone Davies of The Montessori Notebook

Montessori Sewing Works by Aimee Fagan, author of Sewing in the Montessori Classroom: a practical life curriculum

Montessori FAQs About When to Begin Cursive

Montessori & the benefits of the geoboard!

Montessori and Baby Sign Language Question

Child Screams and Runs Around the Classroom When Asked to Put Montessori Activities Away

Three-Year-Old Having a Hard Time with Montessori Practical Life Activities

Can You Give a Toddler a Montessori Lesson?

Child has sensory integration issues and a very short attention span.