Free Educational Printables by Seemi of Trillium Montessori

Info graphic for Free Educational Printables by Seemi of Trillium Montessori

In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, summer vacation is coming to an end, and families and teachers are getting ready to head back to school.  If you are a homeschooler or a teacher of 3-6-year-olds, you are probably starting to make plans for the coming school year.  

Today I’d like to share with you some of my favorite free Montessori-friendly printable resources from around the web that you can use in your classroom or homeschool room.

Get your Montessori Record-Keeping systems in order with this free scope and sequence set from Montessori Works.  Get more ideas about how to manage record-keeping and ideas for curriculum planning from Trillium Montessori.

Materials for Your Language Shelves

Matching and Sorting CardsKids-Pages and Kidsparkz have a huge collection of free flashcards in a variety of categories that can be made into matching and nomenclature cards.
Beginning Reading
The Trillium Montessori Blog has the following free Language downloads for subscribers
  • Initial sound sorting
  • Phonogram sorting
  • Phonogram sentences
  • Blends word lists
  • Puzzle words (sight words)
  • Label the Environment Activity
Materials for Your Sensorial and Math Shelves
Materials for Your Geography Shelves
Materials for Your Science Shelves

Montessori Printshop and Montessori for Everyone also have a great collection of free downloads for your Science shelves.

I’d also recommend taking some time to explore Renae’s blog, Every Star is Different.   She is a prolific producer of all kinds of Montessori-inspired printables and shares them generously with her readers. You will find 3-part nomenclature cards for all kinds of things there!

Monthly Themes
In addition to the standard materials, like the ones above, that you will want to have on your shelves year-round, try adding the following thematic printables throughout the year to bring some variety and interest to your various curriculum areas. Some of these printables can be used as-is, but some will need a few adaptations to be suitable for your Montessori shelves. 

(The following links were updated on 6/14/2023. ~Lisa Nolan)

About the Author

Headshot of Montessori educator Seemi of Trillium Montessori
Seemi is a 3-6 AMS-trained Montessori teacher from North Carolina.  She has been in love with Montessori since 1998 when she first fell into it on her way to a “real job” after grad school.  Having spent a number of years in the classroom and as a school administrator, she opened her own Montessori school and now spends her time working with her amazing teachers, students, and parents, and writing for the TrilliumMontessori Blog.  

Seemi enjoys making printables that can be used in a Montessori-friendly way and shares many of them for free with the Trillium Montessori Blog subscribers... follow her on Pinterest and Facebook for more Montessori inspiration and goodies.

My Free E-books @

Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Homeschooler -

And now for my top posts!

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Simone Davies of The Montessori Notebook

A Montessori Teacher's Thoughts on Waldorf Education

Montessori FAQs About When to Begin Cursive

Montessori and Baby Sign Language Question

Montessori Sewing Works by Aimee Fagan, author of Sewing in the Montessori Classroom: a practical life curriculum

Montessori & the benefits of the geoboard!

The Arctic: Montessori Activities

Child Screams and Runs Around the Classroom When Asked to Put Montessori Activities Away

Montessori and Potty Training Boys

The Working Mom's Guide to Montessori in the Home by Meghan of Milkweed and Montessori